£18m funding available for Industrial Heat Recovery projects

Businesses with significant heating and/or cooling processes such as food and drink manufacturers can benefit from government funding.
The Industrial Heat Recovery Support (IHRS) programme is to provide matched funding for feasibility studies and the capital cost of implementing industrial heat recovery projects in England and Wales. The programme is due to run from late 2018 to March 2021.
Funding is available in two phases:
- Phase 1 Feasibility studies: £6m total budget with a maximum matched fund per project of 50%
- Phase 2 Capital funding: £12m total budget with a maximum matched fund per project of 30%.
Get in early to secure funding for your business
Draft guidance for applications has been issued and finalised guidance is expected to be published in the coming months. Applications will be assessed on a rolling basis and can be submitted at any time, with ‘assessment windows’ closing every 2 months. The applications will need to meet criteria based on:
- Potential for results
- Deliverability
- Economic case
Click here for a detailed summary document of the application process, criteria and tips for securing funding.
Verco can help you to get a place on the programme
Verco has a wealth of experience in heat mapping, process optimisation and industrial heat recovery. To stay informed on the IHRS and to discuss how Verco can support you in accessing the programme, please contact
Andrew Todd
Head of Energy and Resource Management.
07980 505 585