We are excited to announce the launch of our new website for Carbon Desktop! This website is designed to give an overview of Verco’s energy management software Carbon Desktop and what it can do. The site will also provide hints, tips and news, helping users to get the best from the system.Read more
Last night Verco attended another great ‘The Crowd’ event at the ICAEW in London, this time on the very relevant topic of AI for Sustainability.Read more
We are now in Phase 2 of ESOS, with a deadline of 5th December 2019. Experience shows that many companies will leave it to the last minute to think about it, turning what should be an opportunity to increase business productivity into a compliance burden.Read more
The Investor Confidence Project (ICP) Europe is a Horizon 2020 project funded by the EU. Verco is leading the technical development and is UK advocate for the project. We are now looking for pilot projects to certify as Investor Ready in three new sectors: industry, district energy and infrastructure. Benefits of taking part in the pilot projects include:Read more
This week, Verco attended the XEnergy event in London. There was a mind-blowing key note speech by Justin Hall-Tipping, on the application of artificial intelligence and big data, to achieve a step change in the development of new materials: creating a database of thousands of publications on material science. Artificial intelligence is used to draw on this and rapidly identify new molecular combinations. This can be used to produce new materials that address a broad range of technological challenges.Read more
The Design for Performance initiative led by Verco has featured in a couple of industry engagement events this month. First on 6th March at the annual EcoBuild show at the Excel in London Docklands, there was a seminar entitled Design for Performance - Securing Commercial Buildings. The session was chaired by Sarah Ratcliffe, Programme Director at the BBP, and the panellists were Robert Cohen, Technical Director, Verco, Abigail Dean, Head of Sustainability at TH Real Estate, Duncan Price, Director - Sustainability, Buro Happold and Andy Stanton, Infrastructure and Sustainability Manager, Transport for London. The seminar underlined the benefits of commercial office buildings which perform as intended: as well as meeting environmental objectives, these buildings can be more attractive to tenants who seek better working environments for their employees. Evidence from Australia shows that these buildings have lower voids, can charge rent premiums and secure higher financial returns for their developers and investors.Read more
Verco is a partner in the ALliance for Deep RENovation (ALDREN) a 30 month Horizon 2020 project which started in November 2017. The purpose of ALDREN is to establish the business case for deep renovation. It is thereby intended to encourage investment and accelerate the movement towards a nearly zero energy non-residential building stock across the EU, as targeted by 2050 to meet Paris Agreement commitments. The project is co-ordinated by the Centre Scientifique et Technique du Batiment (CSTB) in France, with seven expert partners from around Europe. Read more
On 27th February, Verco’s Paul Stepan presented at the edie Smarter Sustainability Reporting Conference. Read on for the highlights of his forward looking view on the pivotal role investors have in driving sustainability change.Read more
Verco is a mission based organisation and carbon reduction is at the heart of our business. In 2012 we set ourselves the ambitious challenge of significantly enabling 1MtCO2 of annual emissions reductions by the end of 2015 for delivery by 2025. This is the equivalent of 1% of the UK’s required reductions to meet the fourth carbon budget! Read more
Verco’s Tom Randall is a member of the UK Green Building Council’s Members Advisory Group and was at the launch of their report: Capturing the Value of Sustainability.Read more
Yesterday, the Committee on Climate Change published their response to the government’s Clean Growth Strategy. The Committee on Climate Change (CCC) is the independent watchdog on the government’s climate change policy. The CCC is responsible for ensuring that the government sets measures which will deliver on our legally binding commitment to an 80% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.Read more
The report examines the total costs businesses face when investing in energy efficiency measures. It looks at the non-capital or ‘hidden’ costs associated with investment in energy efficiency and low carbon technology, as well as the associated decision making and appraisal processes used by businesses.Read more
Verco's Dr Robert Cohen was a key note speaker at the 2017 Australasian Building Simulation conference in Melbourne this week, hosted by The Australian Institute of Refrigeration, Air Conditioning and Heating (AIRAH) and The International Building Performance Simulation Association (IBPSA).Read more
We are delighted to be finalists for Consultancy of the Year, reflecting the innovative projects we have undertaken this year and the great team we have. We are looking forward to attending the awards dinner on 24th January 2018.Read more
Verco's Tim Crozier-Cole, has been looking at what's happening with the private sector energy performance contracting; at the obstacles that have to be overcome and how potential can be unlocked. Take a look at his , in his recent articles in Energy in Buildings & Industry magazine and The Energyst.Read more
The ICP Europe Technical Team launched its expansion into three new sectors – industry, district energy and street lighting - with the first Technical Forum for Industry, on 14 September 2017. Verco is UK advocate for the Investor Confidence Project (ICP) Europe, and is leading the technical development of the ICP tools across Europe.Read more
Earlier this month, the Verco team discussed the National Grid’s latest Future Energy Scenarios (FES) report[1]. Published annually, the report presents a range of potential energy futures for the UK, predicting how energy will be supplied and used out to 2050. This short piece presents some of our thoughts.Read more