Posted by Robert Cohen

Analytics – the final piece in the Design for Performance jigsaw

The pursuit of high NABERS ratings is transforming the development of prime new offices and major refurbishments in the UK.

During the design stages of a development, the aim of NABERS UK Design for Performance (DfP) is to secure the credentials-critical design reviewed target rating, usually at the end of RIBA stage 4. This gives the market confidence that the building is on track to achieve its target rating, because it is backed up by far more advanced and realistic dynamic modelling of the HVAC services than is required for Part L. Also, both the design and simulation are scrutinised in an Independent Design Review (IDR) by one of ten national experts on the UK’s IDR panel. A third output from the design stages is the so-called Rating Achievement Plan. This is really a set of commitments for how the project will overcome the barriers which can prevent progress from an approved predicted rating to an actual NABERS rating, verified by measurement over a full year of occupancy.

Over the following few years, the development proceeds through construction, commissioning and early operation, and tenants undertake their fit-outs and eventually occupy their parts of the building. Throughout this period, the developer must implement the mechanisms which make it likely their NABERS target will be achieved. Without these mechanisms, a nasty surprise is almost guaranteed when it comes to measuring the building’s performance - a situation which was commonplace before the DfP process was introduced.

Key steps include appointing an Independent Commissioning Agent (ICA) answering to the developer rather than the contractor, and overseeing tenant fit-outs with enforcement powers legitimated by a Tenant Fit-out Guide (TFOG) and/or appropriate lease clauses. Equally necessary are to make provision for continual monitoring and verification (M&V) with monthly reports. These include checks that all the metering is working correctly, tracking of the actual NABERS rating and quarterly deep-dive BMS reviews and fine tuning to ensure the controls are working as intended by the designers.

In today’s larger office buildings, the quantity of digital data which needs to be collected, managed and processed to achieve these objectives might easily be overwhelming. This is why I would say the final critical piece in the DfP jigsaw is a data analytics platform for automated fault detection and diagnosis (AFDD) with dashboards, action generators and trackers to facilitate their remediation. AI is being exploited to make these platforms even more powerful.

The growing interest in performance-based outcomes was the topic of a recent industry event in London hosted by Bueno Analytics. Verco was delighted to be on one of the panels and the event proved to be a masterclass in how the data insights from an analytics platform can be the driver of success for all the stakeholders. This article about the event is well worth reading – it contains many home truths!

This new reality has moved a long way from the old “landlord – tenant split” which was once seen to undermine efforts to achieve energy-efficient, multi-let commercial offices. NABERS delineation of the base building is a game changer in this respect. And there is now a convincing win-win outcome for both parties. It rests on a clear relationship between a higher energy efficiency rating, good control and effective plant maintenance, all facilitated by clear lines of responsibility and agency and signposted by smart data analytics. Occupiers can buy into higher rated spaces in pursuit of better comfort and air quality, leading to health, well-being and productivity gains for their staff. Higher rated spaces are therefore rightly in demand and command higher rent. Owners, developers and landlords secure higher rents and longer retention times, giving stronger yields and property value uplifts.

We can help you with Design for Performance by providing oversight to ensure that the specification developed and plans for building management are capable of delivering the expected energy performance and that the correct metering is in place to verify it.

Find out more about the DfP service