Renewable thermal peer group to tackle the challenge of thermal decarbonisation

I have lost count of the number of conversations I have had with industrial energy users over the past six months on the topic of net zero pathways and target setting. Time and again the same challenges and frustrations relating to thermal decarbonisation were described. It is clear that the challenge is multifaceted with technical, commercial and strategic considerations, as such it will not be solved by one company, consultancy, government or initiative. The need and appetite for collaboration on these issues was clear. The Renewable Thermal Collaborative (RTC) have been doing some great work bringing companies together in the US on this topic and we were keen to continue the conversation with a European focus.
Last week we held the first meeting of a new renewable thermal peer group which we delivered in partnership with the RTC. We were joined by representatives from 15 companies which included Unilever, AB Inbev, GSK, Mars & RB. The purpose of the session was to understand the challenges that each of the members were facing and who needs to be included in the conversation to make progress. In general these challenges could be assigned one of three categories; technology, strategy or policy.

As you would expect, there was a lot to go at but the desire for a pragmatic group with a manageable number of priority areas is clear. The plan now is to follow up with all the participants from the first group to develop the initial focus areas. Watch this space…