Research project to inform a buildings energy rating policy

Government research: a national performance-based policy framework for large commercial and industrial buildings. The Government has recently published a consultation on proposals to introduce a national performance-based policy framework for rating the energy and carbon performance of large commercial and industrial buildings. The consultation can be found here on Gov.UK.
To inform the development of the policy, the Government has commissioned a consortium of Winning Moves, UCL and Verco to lead a research project during February and March 2021. The research will aim to build on the existing evidence base around metering in large commercial and industrial buildings, and other aspects of introducing a new policy to the non-domestic building stock. Further information about the research can be found here.
If Verco staff get in touch with you about the research, BEIS would appreciate your support to help inform the development of the policy.
Any general concerns or questions for the research team can be directed to
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If you have any queries for Verco, please contact Robert Cohen, Technical Director.