Take part in the Net zero in real estate survey 2024!

2023 has been yet another turbulent year for the net zero landscape. The impacts of climate change continue to be felt worldwide, with temperatures reaching record breaking highs, ice coverage reaching new lows and climate-related disasters killing thousands. Despite this, the UN Environment Programme continues to warn us that our current policies are not enough.
But it's not all doom and gloom; solar PV production in China has skyrocketed, deforestation of the Amazon rainforest has dropped, and positive action is being taken to decommission local gas grids in Europe.
Progress continues in the corporate world too, with targets for emissions reduction and support for environmental mandates and guidance. Now is the time for us all to reflect on 2023 and look ahead to sustainability goals and priorities for 2024.
Take part in our Net zero in real estate survey!
Look out for the 2024 Net zero in real estate report.
We will publish our annual Net zero in real estate report in January. Based on the survey responses, this provides a good overview of what our market-leading clients and contacts have achieved so far and where they are going next. It will also include insights and perspectives from our Real Estate team.
- The closing date for survey responses is 8th December 2023.
- All responses will be anonymised.
- Remember to leave your email address so that we can send you the report.