There’s still time to submit your IETF application!

With the announcement of the General Election, decisions on the second application window for Phase 3 of the IETF will be made by the new parliament. At this stage, Verco expect this to be a formality, and the IETF application process to go back to 'business as usual'. This may mean that businesses have a few more weeks to prepare their applications and Verco can support you with this.

Webinar: Beat the rush: net zero detailed planning and UK IETF funding

Back in March we presented a webinar summarising all of the key information you need. You can watch a recording of the webinar here:

Watch the webinar here

Tips for success:

  1. Carry out detailed planning: this will identify the actions that you need to be taking now, including potential for funding.
  2. Do your homework: focusing on the credibility, impact and replicability of the potential solution will mean you are more likely to succeed.
  3. You may only have one shot: focus on getting the maximum value from the application, even if this means doing some additional due diligence now.

IETF Phase 3 context and support

We have collected all relevant information on the next IETF window in a single document which you can download here:

IETF Phase 3 context and Verco support

Free 30 minute consultation

If you would like to have an initial chat with one of our IETF experts to discuss whether this might be a good funding opportunity for you, please get in touch with us.

Contact us here