Verco supports Plastic Free July

July is plastic free month and Verco is keen to get behind this important initiative. Our aim is to form new positive habits for the long-term (not just for one month) and we are working on ways of doing this.
What we buy.
We want to reduce the amount of plastic we buy into the business.
- We have reviewed where we source our office refreshments and are working to buy plastic free tea, coffee and biscuits. During plastic free month we have a baking rota to encourage Verco staff to bring in plastic free baked goods for everyone to enjoy and share where they purchased their plastic free ingredients.
- We are reviewing whether we can make positive changes to sourcing of cleaning products and other similar items in our offices. We already buy plastic free toilet paper in our Overmoor office and buy soap in large containers which we decanter.
- One of our regular knowledge share sessions will be dedicated to plastic free living. Lucy Barfoot from Coconut & Cotton will come and speak to us about plastic free changes we could make in our day to day lives (at home as well as in the office).
- Centralised ideas boards have been set up for us to share suggestions for how to reduce plastic both in the home and in the office. There will be prizes for the best ideas.
What we throw away.
We want to reduce the amount of rubbish going to landfill (not just plastic).
- Our different offices have different recycling rules, so to make sure that we recycle as much as possible (and that visitors don't get confused), we are putting posters on our recycling bins so that everyone knows what can be recycled.
- Our CSR team are investigating whether the level of recycling can be increased in each of the offices.
- We are conducting a waste audit across our business- We want to look at what plastic we are throwing away so we can explore how we can prevent this and 'choose to refuse'.