Webinar: Bring your net zero actions together with MyVerco

With climate action more urgent than ever, having a reliable net zero action plan is high on the priority list for many companies. However, choosing which carbon reduction projects to invest in can feel like a risky leap into the unknown.

In an upcoming webinar on 19th March, Benji Martin will share how MyVerco can help with these decisions. Created to support companies with their net zero transition, it draws all your net zero data into one place.

Through a demonstration, you’ll learn how the software links on-the-ground actions to net zero goals and presents the data in dynamic dashboards. You’ll see how the customisable reports allow you to spot trends and make the wisest choices.

The session will end with a Q&A, allowing you to ask questions and get to know the capabilities of the platform better.

Webinar: Bring your net zero actions together with MyVerco
Date: Wednesday 19th March
Time: 14:00 GMT

Register here

Continue the webinar series...

Do you know what comes next on your net zero journey? How close are you to achieving your goals, and have you considered all the options?

With climate action more urgent than ever, these are questions many businesses are asking themselves. In response, these webinars seek to help teams move proactively towards carbon reduction:

Time to get practical - net zero implementation in action

Date: Thursday 10th April
Time: 11:00 BST

With 2030 targets approaching fast, companies are starting to put their net zero plans into action. In this webinar, Head of Deliver for Zero, Athanasios Patsos and Principal Consultant, Matthew Dickinson will highlight the key considerations and decision milestones for practitioners who are at this stage of their journey. They will discuss their experience with taking risk-weighted next steps and explain project implementation approaches you should consider.

Find out more and register

Beyond quantification: next steps for Scope 3

Date: Tuesday 13th May
Time: 11:00 BST

Verco’s leading practitioners in Scope 3 emissions reduction - Tim Crozier-Cole, Sam Crick and Zahir Lazcano - will give you practical advice from the sharp end of managing Scope 3 emissions. They will discuss how companies with large supply chains can navigate three key challenges:

  1. Aligning reporting approaches with reduction plans,
  2. Estimating the financial impact of Scope 3 commitments,
  3. The role of Scope 3 data platforms (are proprietary software platforms part of the problem or the solution?).

Find out more and register