
The net zero challenge just got simpler

Myverco combines the best of BIP and Verco’s expertise in decarbonisation. An innovative software to support you on your path to net zero, powered by a cutting-edge in-house collaboration on sustainability.

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Finally a complete solution to address the most pressing decarbonisation needs of your organisation

Despite having all of the data, businesses are only looking at their net zero position once a year, this makes it difficult to navigate the complexity of a net zero pathway on a day to day basis. Choosing carbon reduction projects can be a risky leap into the unknown.

Things are done in this way because (until now!) there just hasn’t been a reliable software solution that brings the data into one place, links on the ground actions to net zero goals, and presents this data as useable information for stakeholders across the business. 


That’s where MyVerco comes in

An all-in-one approach to your net zero targets

One-stop Data overview

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Integrate and centralise data from multiple sources—ERP, IoT systems, and legacy databases—eliminating duplication errors and ensuring an accurate, consolidated view of your emissions. MyVerco streamlines consumption and emissions data management, giving you easy access to all relevant information in one platform.

Reliable forecasting

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Leverage advanced algorithms and decades of historical data to create customised decarbonisation scenarios. Get detailed simulations of impacts and costs, planning targeted actions with clear visualisations such as trend charts and analyses for Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions.

Real-time management

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Monitor energy consumption and emissions in real time with interactive dashboards and automatic anomaly alerts. Actionable insights, powered by data analysis and Artificial Intelligence, enable timely interventions to optimise your decarbonisation strategy.

MyVerco fits around you

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Flexible and modular

MyVerco is modular, so you can seamlessly fit around your business needs and integrate with other business solutions. If your needs change, so can your MyVerco platform.

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Work faster, together

All members of your carbon reduction team will stay connected and empowered with a platform-wide newsfeed, in-app messaging and multi-role stakeholder access.

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Expert support if you need it

Our teams of experienced sustainability consultants are always on hand to give you advice and any help you need with your projects.

One platform to bring all your
net zero actions together

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