Accelerate your energy savings with fast, cost-effective data integration

It is common knowledge that you can’t reduce what you can’t measure. It is also common knowledge that most decision makers in industry don’t immediately see a return on investment by installing energy data management systems, despite abundant evidence of success from their business peers. The conundrum is that this requires a lot of time and resources and upfront costs to get the system going, and business commitment to make it work in the longer term.
In a previous article, we provided an overview of Building Energy Management Systems (BEMS) and Monitoring and Targeting (M&T) systems and discussed how these could potentially work together. In our upcoming webinar we go a step further and explore the opportunities of fast, cost-effective data integration so that you can make the most out of existing resources:
1. Put your existing systems to best use
BEMS are only one source of potentially rich information; among these sit utility meters, weather data, occupancy detectors and process sensors. Your utility providers and supply chain partner systems can be another untapped resource. Finally, traditionally “difficult” systems to deal with, such as SAP or SCADA can now be exploited to provide a holistic data solution.
2. Prove the business case at no cost
Proving the business case for an effective energy data management system can be simpler than usually considered. You could take advantage of Verco’s offer of a free trial of our industry leading platform Carbon Desktop where multiple site data sources and utility providers’ data can be integrated. Alternatively, there are numerous temporary logging options that can provide a snapshot of performance, often enough to justify permanent installation of metering systems for ongoing monitoring.
3. Build a modular platform and decide when you want to expand
Building a flexible energy data management system is paramount. This gives you the opportunity to build the business case and foundations of the success initially and later expand in order to accelerate improvements.
Are you making the most out of your data?
See how you score on our Data Integration Health Curve by completing this 2 minute survey. Shortly after the survey you will receive your personalised results which indicate your score, relative strengths and recommendations to consider for improvement.
Take the survey for your personalised report
How do you compare against your peers?
If you want to see how you score against your peers and witness examples of best practice data integration please join our webinar which takes place on the 3rd of September.