Who remembers CoP26?

During this sombre time, it is perhaps as important as ever to remind ourselves of the technical and financial consensus achieved at CoP26 in Glasgow less than a year ago.
This peer-reviewed paper co-authored by our Technical Director Robert Cohen and published last month provides a succinct summary of the commitments made by many nations. It is sobering to recall that the mantra “keep 1.5 alive” requires global emissions to be halved by 2030, alongside major reductions in methane emissions.
Even at the end of such a momentous week in the UK’s history, the need for urgent impactful climate action was reinforced by the publication of a major new scientific study which has found the climate crisis has driven the world to the brink of multiple “dangerous” tipping points with serious implications for humanity: Read paper: Exceeding 1.5⁰C global warming could trigger multiple climate tipping points