Delivering in uncertain times: 5 fast, low-cost energy efficiency actions

As resources are funnelled towards maintaining business continuity, manufacturers find themselves under different pressures: Some are trying to maximise process efficiency to deliver value at lowest cost, while others are reducing utility baseloads to an absolute minimum. Some opportunities to reduce utility consumption have common ground. Here are 5 fast, low-cost energy efficiency actions that will help you meet the challenges in these times of uncertainty. Read more


Free taster bureau report for manufacturers to save energy

With the outbreak of COVID-19, remote tools have never been so important.  Many sites are working at or above maximum capacity right now, while some are on total shut-down. Either way, there is real value in investigating how utility systems are performing in these abnormal times.  Our remote services allow you to maintain an overview of your business performance and help optimise your energy and utilities from the comfort of your home. Read more


Free Energy Efficiency Healthcheck

Carbon Desktop is our second-to-none energy management software for industry which allows you to track, improve and verify energy use, to save money in your factories. The Healthcheck will identify cost-effective savings using our unique tools and techniques. Read more


UKGBC net zero definition: false prospectus or dawn of new era?

Verco supported UKGBC’s publication of a Net Zero Carbon Buildings Framework Definition in April 2019 and helped to develop the Net zero carbon energy performance targets for offices published by UKGBC in January 2020. Here we offer our own reflections on the stringency of the targets which has been questioned by some practitioners in the field. Read more


Coronavirus update

In light of the Government's revised measures in response to coronavirus in the UK we would like to reassure you of the steps we are taking to meet your needs as far as we possibly can. Read more


Future trends you should be considering

The increasing urgency of climate change action is likely to impact business in a number of ways. Looking ahead will ensure that businesses can turn this to their advantage. Here are some trends that we think will affect industrial Energy Managers and their site operation. Read more


What next after TRIADS?

In December 2019 Ofgem published its final decision on its ‘Targeted Charging Review’ (TCR). This note briefly explains the expected changes and what commercial and industrial electricity consumers can do to prepare. Read more


Managing scope 3 emissions: Frequently asked questions

Our services are designed to support companies transition to zero carbon. Through working with clients, we know that scope 3 emissions is a key topic of interest for businesses wishing to do this. Here are some of the questions we are often asked: Read more


Sources of funding and what you need to do to get it

With the completion of ESOS, you may be considering the project recommendations and how you will fund these activities. We have put together a comprehensive list of internal and external sources of funding to help you to get your projects started.Internal sources of fundingFinancial DirectorGet your financial director on board, they too want the business to improve. An attractive portfolio of projects, with robust measurement and verification plans will ensure savings are proven. Read more


Join our series of insightful webinars

As part of our 'Net zero buildings explained' series, we will be hosting three webinars. The first describes the pathways to achieve a net zero building, the second explores the characteristics of a net zero building and the third delves into the detail of operating it. Read more


Managing scope 3 (value chain) emissions

Companies naturally start considering their climate change impacts by looking at their own activities and facilities. However, indirect emissions from the wider value chain are often far greater. As the transition to ‘net zero’ gathers pace, the need to assess and manage these emissions sources is becoming more important. This article describes the best way manage your scope 3 emissions in five steps. Read more


Top tips for turning energy saving ideas into reality (fast)

Now that ESOS is finished, you can turn the identified projects into real benefits for your organisation. However, if you already have a full workload, this is not as easy as it sounds. Here are our top tips for quickly turning the ideas into reality:Prioritise your list of energy projects- where will you get the greatest impact? Read more